We met with the producer and the director in July and discussed our journey and the impact the KCC has had on our lives so far. We showed them our blog, Karlee’s photo album, both kids beads and various other stuff we have collected so far. They met the kids and got to see how they react to different people. They talked to us about how they saw the shoot going and what we should expect. We then worked out a date for them to come and spend the day with us taking some video.
Hopefully this video will serve a couple of different functions. The primary reason is for Kids Cancer Care to use the video to raise funds to continue offering the great programs they do. They will be posting the video on their website and showing it at events to show people the positive impact they are having in the lives of young cancer patients and their families. A secondary reason for the video would be to help other families. We have drawn incredible strength and support from all the families we have met. It would be nice to be able to help some of the newer families in some little way. This video will also give Karlee and Ryley something to look back on in 20 years and say we made it through an incredible journey. It will be a permanent reminder of where we were one year after diagnosis.
We are looking forward to sharing this video with everyone when it is released in early 2012.