Karlee has been in a pretty stubborn mood for the past few days. She doesn’t want to listen and seems to take great joy in bugging everyone around. This is probably due to the steroids that she was on and will be starting on again on Wednesday. We have been told that when they are on this one week on, one week off pattern it is like they don’t really go off them. By the time they clear their system they are right back on them and the effects kick in right away. December 29th should is her last day on them for this go round so hopefully she will return to normal a week or so after that.
Wednesday morning we headed downtown to deliver the last of the popcorn and for Mom and Dad to give blood. Karlee has done excellent only needing one blood transfusion since this journey started, but knowing so many kids who regularly need blood makes it more important for us to donate when we can. As always I would encourage everyone who is eligible to donate… it is a quick and painless process and they feed you pretty good afterwards.
Thursday we went skating as a family for the first time this year. We went over the the Millrise community rink and Karlee did excellent. Ryley had a great time getting into a pickup game with a couple of other kids and Mom even got her skates on.
Christmas eve was another busy day. In the morning we noticed that Karlee wasn’t looking too good. She was very white and had large red circles under her eyes. The last time she looked like that she ended up getting a blood transfusion. We called up to our primary nurse and chatted with her to see what we should do. She agreed with us that we really didn’t want to go to the hospital on Christmas Eve if we could avoid it. She suggested that instead of coming in we just monitor her and call if there are any problems.
We started off with a little house cleaning and then headed over to the Shawnessy rink for a little more skating. This time they were flooding the rink so it took a little while to be able to skate, but Karlee still did really good and Ryley liked playing shinny and practicing some of his skills. After that we had to run out and pick up Grandma’s Christmas present – nothing like leaving it to the last minute. When we got home we checked out the time of Ryley’s hockey game and found out we were running very late. Ryley quickly got his equipment on while the rest of us got dressed for church. They kids had a good game against a team that will now be in our division. The game went much better than most of the games we have played with our goalie getting his first shutout and the kids scoring a bunch of goals.
Right after the game we headed to Grandma’s church for the Christmas Eve service. Uncle Randy, Aunt Catherine and the boys were there too. In past years they have always had the kids dress up in costumes and be part of the service. This year they had them put some the nativity scene together. Not as exciting as past years, but still a good time. Afterwards we went to Grandma’s and had some Chinese food and then went home to open the kids Christmas Eve gifts. They always get to open PJs and books on Christmas Eve from Mom and Dad. Karlee then went to bed since she was tired and starting to melt down. The rest of us sat by the fire and read the Christmas Story and then Ryley went to bed too.
Christmas morning started a little earlier than we planned or would have liked. Ryley was awake about 5:30 and we told him to go back to bed until 7. Then Karlee was awake at 5:45 to go to the bathroom and then she went back to bed. Around 6 Jennifer sat up and asked, “Where is Karlee?” We quickly determined that Karlee was already downstairs so we got her back upstairs and opened stockings. We then headed downstairs to see what Santa had delivered to everyone. Santa was again good to all of us!
The steroids have definitely kicked in for the food intake. Karlee seems to want to eat, eat and eat now. Unfortunately (or fortunately) she is only eating small amounts each time, but wants to eat constantly. About 45 minutes before the turkey was done on Christmas Karlee was going to have a mental breakdown waiting for the food. We think the aromas and atmosphere just got to her and she really needed to eat.
We hope you all had a great Christmas and enjoyed spending time with friends and family.
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