Thursday afternoon was Sports Day at Ryley’s school and I was volunteering to help. The weather was beautiful all morning, but as we rode back after lunch there were a few dark clouds giving chase. We set everything up for the kids and then it started spitting a little. Mr. Gibb came out to see how the weather was and almost as soon as he stepped out there was a flash of lightening and that put everything on hold pretty quick. We waited about 20 minutes and the rain stopped and the clouds looked a little better so they decided to go ahead. I helped run the soccer games and had a great time. Ryley really enjoyed everything about sports day and I was glad to volunteer at it!
Earlier in the week we had been asked if the kids would be starters for the Kids Cancer Care Ride for a Lifetime. We quickly agreed to help out and started looking for a leather or denim jacket for Ryley to wear. We had several offers and finally found a great leather jacket that fit. Friday morning we were up very early and headed to Bearspaw (the other end of the city) to see the riders off. Mom had to work so Grandma came with us. As always the KCCFA staff was great to us, but this time there were a bunch of great bikers to look after us. We had a quick breakfast and the kids helped Christine with a draw and helped with the safety demonstration. We were then off to take a bunch of pictures with Mike from Phoenix Photography and Mike Drew from The Calgary Sun. Both Ryley and Karlee loved the bikes and the bikers. Several of the riders made a special effort to chat with the kids. Very quickly the ride was off and the kids were waving the flags to start each group and send the bikers off. Both Global and City TV were there and interview me and the kids. Global TV’s story is available here: The story starts at just after the 16:00 minute mark. If you want to see more pictures you can see them on Facebook here: You may have to become friends with the Kida Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta.
Saturday was another crazy day for us. Karlee had her final soccer game of the year in the morning and I was coaching again. Herding cats is exactly like teaching 3 and 4 year olds to play soccer. At least all the kids had a great time and enjoyed the year. They all got their medals at the end of the game and that made it worth while. Right after that game we had to run to get lunch and get over the Ryley’s year end tournament. Ryley’s team had 2 games with teams from all over the city (and outside the city) to wrap up his year. After the first game Mom and Karlee took off to go to Donnie’s finance Eva’s bridal shower with cousin Michelle and Jenna. The year ended for Ryley with a bit of a fizzle as they didn’t play their best and lost the final game. After the game and the bridle shower Michelle and Jenna came over for supper and smores around the fire.
Sunday morning despite the weather not being great we went to Calaway park with Grandma, Uncle Randy, Aunt Catherine and cousins Everett and Oliver. We all had a great time and went on a bunch of rides. Ryley was very excited because he was finally tall enough to go on Cosmic Spin; I wasn’t so excited about having to go on that ride with him, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Thankfully Uncle Randy didn’t have to go on the one as some of the kids rides that went in a circle made him feel a little nauseous.
Tuesday was Ryley’s last day of school and they had a big party in the afternoon. Ryley had a great year and was very fortunate to have Miss Foster as a teacher. She was excellent and he really enjoyed his time with her. Finally summer appeared to arrive after the school year and we now have better weather.
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