On January 3rd we went rollerskating with the Scouts. This is the second year we have done this activity and everyone enjoys it. Karlee did a great job skating this year without any help. Last year she was too sick to go to the rollerskating event so this was only her second time trying it. She loved getting out there and going for it. Ryley had a great time too as he always does. It is nice to see that Lloyds hasn’t changed in 30 years.
One of the other Mom’s in the clinic the day that Karlee coded wrote a blog entry about it. It is interesting to get another point of view on what happened and how it affects everyone. You can find her blog here: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/TySparks/journal. I can not link to the exact entry, but it was published on Friday January 6th.
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